

CORE QUALITIES - Vitality, enthusiasm

PRACTICE TIPS - When we feel a sense of vitality then enthusiasm and self-confidence naturally follow. Direct your fingers towards the sky and be a conduit for the sun. Channel the energy into your heart.



CORE QUALITIES - Trust, confidence and optimism

PRACTICE TIPS - This mudra helps expand the chest and breath helping to relieve shallow chest breathing and opening space for trust confidence while expanding the capacity for joy.

Notice how it feels natural to draw the shoulders back, and stand tall with confidence while holding this mudra assertively with softness.


Merudanda MUDRA

CORE QUALITIES - Determination and willpower

PRACTICE TIPS - Allows energy to flow freely through us alleviating any constriction along the spine. When we stand tall we can better connect with our authentic Self.

How do you want to show-up in the world? Hold this mudra with effortless determination and see if you can remember your true Self.


Purna-Hridaya MUDRA

CORE QUALITIES - Heart opening, accepting thoughts and feelings

PRACTICE TIPS - This pose has similar physiological effect as Vajraprana mudra, it helps expand the chest and breath helping to relieve shallow chest breathing. It allows us to move from awareness thoughts and feelings to acceptance.

It is uplifting and subtly energizing. Notice a feeling of radiance as you hold this mudra at your heart.


CORE QUALITIES - Courage, emotional balance/harmony

PRACTICE TIPS - Garuda is the mythical eagle in Hindu mythology. Eagle is a bird of prey that embodies steady focus, determination, courage and strength in the body and mind/emotions. It also symbolizes the importance of balancing effort and ease within the body and mind. It is very helpful for opening restriction of the voice and vocal cords helping you “find your voice”. Practice with Eagle pose.

Hradaya Mudra for Depression will help create emotional balance.

Hridaya MUDRA

CORE QUALITIES - Unconditional love, emotional balance, Connect with your Hearts desire

PRACTICE TIPS - Recognizing the divinity in ourselves and the world. Living with a sense of awe. Trusting and feeling supported by the Universe. This mudra can be used interchangeably with Kapota mudra.